The Garden of Abundant Beingness
Journey with me into the life-giving pulse of real abundance…
This book is an ode to true prosperity, natural service, inherent freedom, accurate responsibility & regenerative participation as we root deeper into the Garden that is already available to us. Ultimately it’s an invitation to join me & countless others in celebrating the purity of our true nature, fully embodying the unique ways life wants to express as & through us on this amazing planet we call home!
When requesting a printed book, please note I incur direct costs to print and ship each one, so any support you can offer to sustain this work is greatly appreciated.
An Invitation
There is power in acknowledging when the once ways no longer work…
When our frameworks for progress and our metrics of success feel sluggish, stagnant— and the core of our being cries out for MORE!
Leave the ruins of unsuccessful ventures that sought security and scrounged for satiety where they lie… they no longer serve you.
Fullness cannot be found beneath a mantle of fear, bound by programs of greed, that cannot self-regulate and consume ‘till you’re consumed…
Come, let’s free ourselves from martyrdom and savior complexes. Seeds of guilt do not birth beauty…. and hubris does not heal.
Join me in jumping off an industrial economic hamster wheel that exhausts us with constant accumulation and depletes us with resource stagnation.
Finally, thank scarcity for it’s time. We’ve wrestled. We’ve learned. But enough is ENOUGH!
Sometimes it takes seeing our reality in the unflattering light of direct sun to realize—this shit does stink.
But listen. Can you hear it? A patient, yet persistent, invitation into possibility.
It may be hard to recognize amidst fire and war—amidst projecting and finger pointing; as what we thought would “work” struggles for breath within the final throes of death.
But how do we change? Which way shall we grow?
Nature is resilient. She will regenerate….The question is, will we?
So dear ones, I’m calling on the FULL, Those who look out at a “feast” spread before them with no appetite for more of the same.
Earth family, It is time we address—the chronic constipation, the lethal stagnation, the utter lack of imagination, the pervasive disassociation—imbued within the current state of our currency.
Do you feel it? The tightness, the tension? The painful distention?
It’s a collective directive to merge with the ecstatic dance of GIFT, of regenerative flow. It’s our natural state–from hence we came and to whence we’ll go.
Dream with me…
Let’s move from the grief of holding into the joy of giving. Desisting our clutching; releasing obstruction; denouncing corruption; inviting instruction from the purity within, from the regenerative cycles of nature.
Let’s grow with the wisdom of the plants and mirror the ways of the waters…
Enter with me into the Garden of Abundant Being, as a thriving Tree of Giving and Receiving.
So join me: this is a sacred invitation… to play at the edge of Creation! And enter a necessary initiation, into rejuvenating generative forms of resource circulation.
My work is freely given—it is my privilege to share with you! For those of you who feel inspired to expand this work, please check out my supporting the work page.
For those who wish to have a physical copy, we will soon have the capacity to ship within: Europe, USA, & South Africa via our grassroots collaborators’ network. Yay for new ways of creating and sharing! Thank you in advance for your patience as we experiment…
Click on “request a copy” above and send a message including your accurate physical mailing address. If you are in a different country & want to serve as a distributor in your area, please reach out and we will see if it’s possible! For now, enjoy the eBook.