Do you think giving can be an ecstatic experience?

In my experience, it can!

Authentically sharing what is ours to share can be wildly fun, deeply transformative & personally rejuvenating while also resourcing those who have the spark to help actualize the world we want to see! 

When we naturally let go of what we no longer need, we move from the grief of holding to the joy of aligned giving & open to the true enrichment & real prosperity of our inherent Abundant Beingness!!

What is Natural Flow Investing?

NFI is investing in the future we want to see by flowing it forward!

It is for those who have done it all and are now ready to take radical steps to dismantle resource stagnation that distorts the natural flow of abundance & then enter into the next echelon of true prosperity.

The wild frontier of Love-pulsed economies is calling, & a bold adventure for just the right group of pioneer investors awaits…

Embracing the Magic of Movement

Like water that brings vitality when circulated,  resources are innately designed to move and bring LIFE!

When held or sequestered, they lose their potency—stagnation follows.

Thus when we freely offer our overflow (time, presence, gifts & extra resources) as inspired…

we open to receiving new LIFE in whatever enhanced form it comes next!

But how is this investing?

NFI is built on the understanding that true abundance is:

OPEN: When authentic overflow is shared, space is created for vibrant newness. Indirect exchange and unconditional offering is the way of nature.

UNIFIED: Circulating resources throughout the interconnected channels of life enhances the Whole. What is freely given inevitably returns in a new, uplifted form.

DYNAMICOur participation ripples the quantum field of reality, enabling fresh possibilities to emerge. Authentic exchange is ALIVE and spontaneous! 

Sharing what is ready to be shared primes us to enter the next octave of true prosperity—investing in the future we want to see and in our own experience of abundant beingness. Win, win, win!

Nurturing Life Downstream

Natural Flow Investors empower recipients to:

CREATE from a foundation of stability, freedom & support

BIRTH a gift of Love without shackles of debt/control

SHARE their overflow in their own time as inspired

Does this excite you too?

  • Do you have overflow that is ready to be invested in the more unbounded world we all want to see?

  • Are you eager to dive in to a fresh approach to giving, receiving, & investing while embodying more Love?

  • Are you curious to see the most fulfilling ROI nature can provide as you release what is no longer needed?

Then maybe the Pod Cohort is right for you!